Pre-Fortnight Post-Fortnight
(April, May, June) (August, September)
count mean count mean
Characteristics of the child and family
Respondent's age (years) 59162 27.5 13553 27.6
No education 59162 39.3% 13553 23.8%
Primary 59162 14.1% 13553 15.3%
Secondary education 59162 38.6% 13553 52.7%
Higher education 59162 8.0% 13553 8.3%
Wealth quintile (1 to 5, 1 = poorest) 59162 2.33 13553 2.63
Child's age in months 55392 29.5 12904 30.0
Child is male 59162 52.2% 13553 51.2%
Rural 59162 80.0% 13553 75.5%
Diarrhea in last 2 weeks 59162 10.6% 13553 5.9%
Met ASHA in last 3 months 59162 28.3% 13553 18.1%
Met health worker (ASHA, Anganwadi, community health worker) in last 3 months 59162 40.4% 13553 33.8%
Familiar with ORS 59162 80.1% 13553 88.8%
ORS (among children with diarrhea) 6292 45.6% 796 61.4%
Zinc (among children with diarrhea) 6292 17.5% 796 27.9%
Antibiotics (among children with diarrhea, but no fever or bloody stools) 3280 18.0% 388 14.2%
Inappropriate treatment (antibiotics, antidiarrheal drugs, herbal remedies, among children with diarrhea, but no fever or bloody stools) 3280 35.2% 388 27.6%
Unnecessary private care (among children with diarrhea, but no fever or bloody stools) 3281 52.8% 388 33.2%
Sought treatment for fever or cough (among children with a fever or cough) 8695 70.7% 1847 72.8%