Variables Univariate Multiple
cOR 95% CI p-⁠value aOR 95% CI p-⁠value
Male 1 1
Female 1.40 [1.10–1.78] 0.005* 1.21 [0.88–1.67] 0.230
Education level
Illiterate 1 1
Preschool 0.72 [0.52–1.00] 0.055 0.82 [0.53–1.28] 0.390
Lower secondary 1.43 [1.04–1.96] 0.026* 1.35 [0.88–2.07] 0.166
Secondary 1.47 [0.98–2.20] 0.062 1.86 [1.09–3.19] 0.022
Higher secondary 0.96 [0.52–1.77] 0.915 0.63 [0.28–1.41] 0.268
Health care satisfaction
Important 1 1
Not important 0.31 [0.21–0.43] <0.001*** 0.20 [0.135–0.321] <0.001
Free health care
Important 1 1
Not important 10.82 [8.10–⁠14.45] <0.001*** 19.41 [13.39–⁠28.14] <0.001
Diagnosis of hypertension
No 1 1
Yes 2.15 [1.62–2.86] <0.001*** 1.87 [1.27–2.75] 0.001**
Diagnosis of diabetes
No 1 1
Yes 2.84 [1.74–4.64] <0.001*** 1.37 [0.73–2.56] 0.001**
Insurance coverage
No 1 1
Yes 1.68 [1.03–2.74] 0.036* 4.31 [2.17–8.56] <0.001
No 1 1
Yes 1.56 [1.23–1.98] <0.001*** 1.18 [0.82–1.69] 0.361
Community-level cooperation
No 1 1
Yes 3.35 [2.54–4.42] <0.001*** 2.24 [1.49–3.38] <.001***
Distance to facility (M±SD) 1.01 [1.006–1.01] <0.001*** 1.03 [1.02–1.04] <.001***
Monthly income (M±SD) 1.00 [1.00–1.00] 0.092 1.00 [1.00–1.00] 0.092
Cox Snell 0.383
Negelkerke R2 0.512