Univariate Multivariate
  OR [95% CI] P-value aOR [95% CI] P-value
Age of respondent
18-29 years Reference Reference
30-39 years 1.31 [0.81,2.12] 0.271 1.39 [0.83,2.32] 0.206
40-54 years 1.00 [0.63, 1.59] 0.998 1.43 [0.86,2.38] 0.165
≥55 years 0.70 [0.43, 1.14] 0.148 1.89 [0.99,3.61] 0.054
Marital status of respondent
Not married Reference
Married/co-habiting 1.29 [0.89, 1.89] 0.182 - -
Highest level of education attended by respondent
Primary school or lower Reference Reference
Secondary school or higher 1.88 [1.32,2.68] 0.001 2.16 [1.36,3.43] 0.001
Employment status of respondent
Employed Reference Reference
Unemployed 1.53 [1.07,2.19] 0.02 1.63 [1.11,2.41] 0.013
Buhera Reference Reference
Makoni 2.06 [1.30,3.27] 0.002 2.35 [1.44,3.84] 0.001
Mutare rural 2.33 [1.58,3.43] <0.001 2.57 [1.71,3.92] <0.001
At least one child less than 5 years living in the household 2.17 [1.52,3.10] <0.001 2.35 [1.59,3.46] 0.001
At least one pregnant woman living in the household 2.42 [1.42,4.15] 0.001 2.22 [1.26,3.93] 0.006
Household size
<4 household members Reference
>4 household members 1.32 [0.93,1.85] 0.117 - -
Household wealth
Poorest Reference
Middle 0.90 [0.59,1.35] 0.599 - -
Wealthiest 1.42 [0.94,2.15] 0.100 - -
Had health insurance 1.15 [0.49, 2.70] 0.749 - -
Travel minutes to health facility 1.00 [0.99,1.01] 0.372 - -
Perceived problems at health facility
Availability of medicines at facility 1.18 [0.83,1.67] 0.362 - -
Cost of services or treatment 1.28 [0.83,1.98] 0.259 - -
Time waited to see a provider 0.95 [0.61,1.47] 0.805 - -
Availability of personnel at facility 1.66 [1.04,2.64] 0.032 - -
Treatment by staff 1.89 [1.18,3.04] 0.008 - -
Amount of explanation received about the problem or treatment 1.16 [0.70,1.92] 0.577 - -
Visual privacy of examination 1.58 [0.93,2.69] 0.093 - -
Auditory privacy of consultation discussion 2.01 [1.15,3.51] 0.014 - -
Hours of service at facility 1.60 [0.93,2.75] 0.087 - -
Ability to discuss problems or concerns about health 1.22 [0.72,2.09] 0.461 - -
Number of days services are available 1.77 [0.87,3.60] 0.117 - -
Cleanliness of the facility 0.92 [0.37,2.30] 0.858 - -
COVID-19 risk perceptions and impact
Concerned about COVID-19 spread in community 1.44 [1.03,2.02] 0.034 - -
Concerned about COVID-19 infection 1.41 [0.99,1.99] 0.051 - -
Loss of household income experience due to COVID-19 pandemic 1.34 [0.80,2.26] 0.272 - -