Scenario Abbreviation Key question to be answered Scenario constraint Optimization Increasing domestic resource mobilization ($)
Coverage constraint Funding Constraint Prioritization Technical efficiencies Testing strategy
1. Constant Coverage CC What impact will be achieved if current program coverage levels remain static? 2018 intervention coverage levels --
2. National Strategy NS What will it cost to achieve the current national strategy? National Multisectoral Strategic Framework IV targets --
3. Optimization with Constant Coverage Funding O-CCF If technical efficiencies and prioritization are pursued to optimize Constant Coverage resources, what is the maximum impact that can be achieved? --
  • Constant Coverage levels
  • 2019-30 = US$ 5.5 billion
4. Optimization with Declining Donor Funding O-DDF If donor funding declines, what is the greatest impact that can be achieved even when applying prioritization and technical efficiency gains? --
  • PEPFAR declines by 15% every 3 yrs
  • GFATM declines by 10%/3 years
  • Government constant
  • 2019-30 = US$4.5 billion
5. Optimization with Domestic Resource Mobilization O-DRM If donor funding declines but the government mobilizes more domestic resources, what is the greatest impact achievable by implementing efficiencies and prioritization? --
  • PEPFAR declines by 15%/3 years
  • GFATM declines by 10%/3 years
  • Government increases by 10.8 million/year on average
  • 2019-30 = US$5.2 billion