Health Belief Model Construct Women who utilised skilled health personnel for delivery Women who did not utilise skilled health personnel for delivery Important differences between groups Notes
Modifying Factors (other than demographics)
Aware of recommended guidelines to utilise skilled health personnel for delivery most most Fewer were aware among those who did not utilise skilled health personnel for delivery
Knowledge of where to obtain maternal health services most most
Maternal death causes/prevention themes: belief in physical, spiritual, and behavioural factors most most
Individual Beliefs
Perceived susceptibility, severity, and threat
Believe it is possible she could suffer a complication during childbirth most split x More than half of mothers who did not utilise skilled health personnel responded 'no'
Believe it is important to deliver utilising skilled health personnel most split x More than half of mothers who did not utilise skilled health personnel said, 'it is only important for those with complications'
Perceived benefits
Believe there are benefits to skilled delivery most most
Themes: Skilled health personnel have expertise, medications, and can solve complications most most
Perceived barriers
Think there are barriers to skilled delivery most most
Themes: Cost, distance, and transportation most most
Sub-theme: mistreatment or neglect by health staff some some
Perceived self-efficacy
Capability to adhere to guidelines to utilise skilled health personnel for delivery, overcoming obstacles of transportation and cost most few x
Cues to action (taken in last pregnancy)
Enroll in free maternal health insurance most most
Attend 4+ antenatal visits most most
Planned and prepared for delivery utilising skilled health personnel most few x