Scenario At which health facilities does the UAV land?* Does the UAV partially, or fully support the pick-up of VL samples and transport to Lodwar? Does the UAV partially, fully, or not at all support transport of ARVs from Lodwar to facilities? Does the UAV transport VL samples from Lodwar to Eldoret?
Scenario 1:
Dedicated VL
All sites Picks up all VL samples from all sites Transports no ARVs Yes
Scenario 2:
VL plus 1 ARV shipment/month
All sites Picks up all VL samples from all sites Transports at least one ARV package per month? per facility Yes
Scenario 3:
VL plus select ARV shipment/ month
Selected facilities (Hubs) (quantity to be determined during modeling) Picks up all VL samples from selected facilities; remaining sites must use ground to reach nearest hub Transports at least one ARV package per selected facility Yes
Scenario 4:
VL plus ARV
All sites Picks up all VL samples from all sites Transports all ARVs to all facilities Yes