n (%)
Community health worker characteristics
Age – mean (SD; range) 44.7 years (10.6; 19-78) 44.4 years (9.5; 19-58) 46.3 years (8.0; 19-65)
Women (%) 946 (68.3%) 298 (80.5%) 114 (43.7%)
Highest level of education completed
More than secondary
510 (36.8%)
147 (10.6%)
86 (23.2%)
278 (75.1%)
39 (14.9%)
26 (10.0%)
Urban/peri-urban residence 354 (25.6%) 99 (26.8%) 37 (14.2%)
Lives in the community s/he works in 1,335 (96.4%) 254 (68.7%) 240 (92.0%)
Continued routine work during COVID-19 pandemica
Yes, somewhat
Yes, mostly
35 (2.7%)
502 (38.7%)
758 (58.5%)
1 (0.3%)
45 (12.2%)
323 (87.5%)
13 (5.1%)
180 (70.6%)
62 (24.3%)
Provides services related to gender-based violence as part of routine workb 554 (40.0%) 240 (64.9.%) 152 (61.0%)
Provides services related to COVID-19c 1,276 (92.1%) 140 (37.8%) 253 (96.9%)
Perceptions of violence during COVID-19
Perceived increase violence in households during the COVID-19 pandemic 780 (56.3%) 118 (31.9%) 30 (11.5%)
Among those reporting an increase in violence:
(n=780) (n=118) (n=30)
Victims of increased violence in households
        Both wives/intimate partners and children
        Wives/intimate partners only
        Children only

351 (45.0%)
392 (50.3%)
37 (4.7%)

84 (71.2%)
34 (28.8%)
0 (0%)

7 (23.3%)
14 (46.7%)
9 (30.0%)
Perceived reasons for increased violence in householdsd
a. Conflict over childcare/housework responsibilities 259 (33.2%) 0 (0%) 11 (36.7%)
b. Partners spending more time together than used to/getting on each others’ nerves 461 (59.1%) 23 (19.5%) 13 (43.3%)
c. Increased stress/tension due child misbehavior/too much time at home 422 (54.1%) 69 (58.5%) 15 (50.0%)
d. Increased stress/tension due to loss of employment/income 659 (84.5%) 109 (92.4%) 9 (30.0%)
e. Disagreement or blame around COVID-related risks or protective measures 71 (9.1%) 3 (2.5%) 1 (3.3%)
f. Increased alcohol/substance usee 293 (37.6%) 0 (0%) 6 (20.0%)
g. Inability of person/s experiencing violence to leave home to avoid or report it 73 (9.4%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
h. Other (spontaneous response) 39 (5.0%) 0 (0%) 10 (33.3%)
Total number of reasons reported - mean (range) 1.7 (1-3) 2.9 (0-7) 2.2 (1-4)