Old nursery*
New nursery
P value
Place of birth
MDH 438 (70%) 1394 (80%) 1832 (77%) <0.001
In transit to MDH 31 (5%) 49 (3%) 80 (3%)
Referral from other facilities 111 (18%) 176 (10%) 287 (12%)
Home/Traditional Birth Attendant 23 (4%) 26 (2%) 49 (2%)
Gestational age (weeks)
Mean (SD) 36.0 (3.23) 36.5 (2.65) 36.4 (2.78) 0.004
Length of stay (days)
Mean (SD) 2.61 (3.26) 3.59 (3.23) 3.52 (3.24) 0.003
Discharged alive 115 (18%) 1035 (59%) 1150 (49%) <0.001
Referred to a tertiary hospital 6 (1%) 29 (2%) 35 (2%)
Absconded 17 (3%) 127 (7%) 144 (6%)
Death 107 (17%) 216 (12%) 323 (14%)