PLTC according to the WHO MNM Approach
Severe postpartum hemorrhage Genital bleeding after delivery, with at least one of the following: perceived abnormal bleeding (1000 ml or more) or any bleeding with hypotension or blood transfusion.
Severe pre-eclampsia Persistent systolic blood pressure of 160 mmHg or more or a diastolic blood pressure of 110 mmHg; proteinuria of 5 g or more in 24 hours; oliguria of <400 ml in 24 hours; and HELLP syndrome or pulmonary oedema.
Eclampsia Diastolic BP ≥90 mmHg or proteinuria +3 and convulsions or coma.
Sepsis or severe systemic infection Clinical signs of infection and 3 of the following: temp >38 °C or respiratory rate of >20/min, pulse rate >90/min, WBC >12,000 (leucocytosis) or <4,000 (leukopenia).
Uterine rupture Complete rupture of uterus during labour and/or confirmed later by laparotomy.
Additional PLTC according to the SSA MNM tool
Pulmonary edema Accumulation of fluids in the air spaces and parenchyma of the lungs.
Severe abortion complications Septic in incomplete abortion, complicated Gestational Trophoblastic Disease with anemia.
Severe malaria Severe malaria is defined as major signs of organ dysfunction and/or high-level parasitemia or cerebral malaria.