Inclusion criteria Study design: RCT, prospective or retrospective cohort studies, case-control or nested case-control studies that evaluate sexual and/or reproductive health TTT interventions in LMI countries will be included in this review. In the absence of these types of studies, relevant cross-sectional studies, surveys, case series, case reports and workshop, training or project reports were also included.
Study population: The study population was the health care worker participants in the TTT program who were expected to be capable of delivering training to other health workers or community workers / community members after receiving training. Health workers could include nurses, social workers, community workers, auxiliary health care workers and the like. Studies where the study population was community members or patients receiving care provided by health care workers who received the TTT were also included.
Interventions: The intervention had to be based on a TTT model, where participants trained would go on to train others in the topic following their training. Training topics related to SRH care (with a focus on contraception, sexually transmitted infections, cervical cancer, gender equality, and violence against women) will be included.
Outcomes: Effectiveness of the TTT intervention/programme was the primary outcome measure, all measures of change (both objective and subjective) were included. This included tests of knowledge, behaviour change or trainer/patient reports, or patient/target community outcomes. Outcomes had to relate to the primary recipients of the TTT program or secondary recipients (those who receive training from the primary recipients) or patients/community members who the training ultimately aims to benefit.
Study settings: The intervention had to be delivered in the Pacific Island Region or a LMI country setting. Interventions delivered in HI countries, targeting health workers from LMI countries (i.e. training delivered at international conferences) will be included.
Exclusion criteria Studies published prior to 2010
Studies delivered in HI countries targeting HI countries’ health workers or community workers
Training of peer educators
Non-English-language studies
Publications other than journal studies