In attempts to slow the spread of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), daycares, schools, and recreational centres worldwide abruptly closed and have since had inconsistent reopening.1 During the initial months of the pandemic, an estimated 1.4 billion children were out of school and childcare, without access to group activities, team sports, or playgrounds, which has significantly influenced the lives of children.2 Simultaneously many parents have worked, and continue to work from home, whereas others are working in high-stress environments and/or facing unanticipated income loss. Collectively, these experiences have caused substantial and unique change for families. To inform policies aimed toward protecting today, it is imperative to draw parallels to past pandemics. Concerns regarding the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on mental health impacts, academic losses, malnutrition and child abuse have been raised.3–7 An understanding of the potential impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on children is necessary to plan for the eventual return to socialized life, and to design programmes and policies that support families in the short- and long-term. The aim of this scoping review was to examine the impacts of previous and current pandemics/epidemics on children’s mental health, nutrition, academic performance, and recreational habits, as well as family wellness.
The five-stage Arksey & O’Malley’s (2005) methodological framework for scoping reviews was used.8 Two avenues were implemented to identify existing literature: academic articles and grey literature searches.
Academic articles
Academic articles examining the relationship between child- and family-related outcomes during prior and current pandemics/epidemics were searched within the Medline, PsycINFO, Global Health, and CINAHL databases on June 11, 2020 (see Online Supplementary Document, Appendix 1). Sixteen searches were completed within each database. Child, pandemic, and outcome of interest were present within the title, keywords, and/or abstract of all identified articles. Following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines9, articles were screened independently by KM and TW for eligibility. Articles were screened at the title and abstract level, and if deemed eligible, a full-text screening was completed. Any disagreements were discussed to consensus. When a consensus could not be reached, KJ reviewed the article and conflicts were resolved. Articles were deemed eligible if they: (a) included children between 0 to 18 years old, (b) involved a prior or current pandemic/epidemic [exceptions to this include: (1) the Zika virus because this virus is associated with severe cognitive impairment and/or fatality which is not observed in those with COVID-19 and (2) HIV/AIDS which, although classified as a pandemic, does not transmit to children the same as COVID-19] , (c) included a child- or family-related outcome of interest (e.g., nutritional, financial, and child safety outcomes) as specified in Online Supplementary Document, Appendix 1, (d) were written in English, and (e) were original research with the exception of case studies.10,11 No limits were placed on the year of publication to broadly identify the extent of available literature examining child outcomes in prior and current epidemics/pandemics. The reference lists of all eligible articles were screened for eligibly following the steps above.
Table 1.Reference table describing epidemics/pandemics discussed throughout review
COVID-19 |
2002-2004 |
Global |
Ebola |
2013-2014 |
Mostly Guinea, Liberia Sierra Leone |
Measles |
1951 - 1963
Tuberculosis |
Epidemics occurred throughout 18th-20th century, 1993 declared a public health emergency by WHO12 |
Spanish Flu |
Abbreviations: COVID-19, Coronavirus disease 2019; EVD, Ebola Virus Disease; H1N1, Hemagglutinin Type 1 and Neuraminidase Type
Grey literature
The grey literature was searched using Google Advanced ( within the World Health Organization (WHO; and United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF; Grey literature searches within the WHO domain commenced on July 23, 2020 between 16:01 and 18:26 CDT and continued on July 24th, 2020 using the WHO and subsequently the UNICEF domain between 10:11 and 14:08 CDT. Sixteen searches were completed within each domain. Grey literature searches were restricted to portable document format (PDF) and those published in English. Only published reports were included herein. The first two pages (or 20 articles) of search results in Google Advanced were examined for each of the 32 searches. As a preliminary screen the following groups of terms were searched using the control + F function: (1) child, (2) pandemic, epidemic, virus, infectious, communicable, bacteria, influenza, quarantine, and (3) and outcomes of interest, such as, nutritional, financial, and child safety outcomes (see searches 17-32 in Online Supplementary Document, Appendix 1 for specific searches). If the above terms were not found, the report was excluded; whereas if any of the above terms were found a full-text review was conducted. The full texts of all reports were screened independently by KM and TW to determine whether they met eligibility criteria. All disagreements were discussed to consensus. When a consensus was not reached, a third reviewer KJ reviewed the report to resolve the conflict.
Data extraction and synthesis
Data from academic articles and grey literature reports were extracted based on pre-identified domains. All domains were selected based on recommendations made by Arksey & O’Malley’s (2005) and expert librarians.8 All extracted data was independently reviewed for accuracy by KM and TW. Findings were collated based on the outcome of interest. Outcomes included: mental health, anxiety, loneliness/depression, stress, grief, stigma, nutrition, academics, entertainment, family conflict, child abuse, family economic impact.
Study selection
The literature searches yielded 17,352 academic articles and 320 grey literature documents. Ninety-five additional academic articles were included from the reference lists of eligible articles. In total, 9,435 duplicates were removed, leaving 8,332 articles and reports to be screened at the title and abstract level. After excluding 8,018 articles/reports which did not meet eligibility, 326 full-texts were assessed (Figure 1). Collectively, 35 articles and 38 reports were included, which assessed child well-being during previous and current pandemics/epidemics. The characteristics of all studies included are in Tables 2-4.

Figure 1.PRISMA flow diagram depicting the selection process articles and reports in the current scoping review
In total, 21% reported on symptoms of anxiety. Of these papers, one suggested minimal to no anxiety, one indicated increased levels of anxiety, and the remaining indicated prevalence rates. The lack of security and confusion regarding the changing environment during a pandemic can instill fear and panic in children.13–15 Sprang et al., 2013 reported that generalized anxiety, which represented 20% of diagnoses, was the most commonly diagnosed disorder in youth during and after the H1N1 pandemic.16 Elsewhere, most children were concerned about the pandemic, which resulted from them being uninformed, misinformed, and having unanswered questions about the nature and mode of transmission (Table 2).17–20 Such concerns contributed to anxiety and feelings of guilt and responsibility if a family member fell ill.13–16,20–25 In contrast, an Australian study found that 90% of children had minimal or no parent-reported anxiety due to school closure during the H1N1 pandemic.26
The COVID-19 pandemic represents the first large-scale pandemic during which mass media is a major source of misinformation, defined as “incorrect or misleading information” by Merriam-Webster dictionary.18,27,28 This misinformation could lead to unnecessary anxiety as illustrated above. One study reported that 36% of adolescent participants thought that mass media was alarming and caused wide distrust in social networks.18 However, a 2011 hospital-based study reported reduced concern when the news, regarding the H1N1pandemic, was read alongside a healthcare worker.17 Collectively, the literature highlights that anxiety has been a significant challenge during pandemics for children largely due to miscommunication and influence from the mass media.
Overall, 12% of papers reported on depression and/or loneliness, of which one indicated an increase in depression, and the remaining indicated prevalence rates of depression symptomology. Due to confinement, physical distancing requirements, and stay-at-home orders during previous pandemics, children altered their way of play.29 Qualitative data collected from children impacted by the Ebola epidemic suggest that they are "lonesome [and] no longer enjoy [their] childhood"– Boy, Sierra Leone. 29 Similarly, children hospitalised during the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) pandemic were only allowed one visitor at a time which caused feelings of loneliness, fearfulness, and sadness, while parents could not be a source of comfort or support for their child.20,30 Data from previous pandemics, and from the current COVID-19 pandemic, indicate that children experience depression.25 Factors that correlated with higher levels of depression include living in a rural region, gender, school grade level, level of optimism, and location (Table 2). 15,21–24,31 Pandemics and epidemics highlight how isolation can lead to feelings of loneliness, sadness, and symptoms of depression.
Overall, 10 % of included papers reported on the influence of a pandemic or epidemic on stress-related disorders in children. Of these, 57% indicated the presence of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), 29% on adjustment struggles, and 14% on acute stress disorder. Pandemics typically disrupted the structure and routine of children’s lives, causing difficulties in adjustment, stress reactions, and trauma.14–17,32 Stress may manifest in different ways for different age groups of children14 (Table 2). However, school-aged children tend to manifest symptoms of stress through behavioural issues, such as being withdrawal from friends and family, as well as decreased interest in daily activity.14 Children affected by grief, such as orphaned children, often experience further isolation, have more nightmares about the death of their parents, and live in ongoing fear about what the future will hold.29,33 Also, in an American study, 30% of children who isolated or quarantined during the H1N1 pandemic met criteria for a PTSD diagnosis, a stark contrast to the 1.1% of non-isolated children who met criteria.16 Importantly, the intergenerational impacts of parental mental health is evident; in the same study, PTSD was diagnosed in 85.7% of children who had parents with PTSD resultant of the pandemic.16 The extant literature demonstrates how sudden changes, such as, the disruption of routine or the death of a parent can lead to stress-related disorders, including PTSD.
In total, 7% of included articles reported on grief. Of these articles, 40% indicated there is a need for attention and counselling services for grieving children and adolescents, while 20% indicated physical distancing measures complicated matters. Whereas both children and adults grieve, the manifestations of grief change with age34 (Table 4). The loss of a loved one during a time of physical distancing is a unique circumstance, in which standard processes of closure, such as funerals and family gatherings, are restricted. This poses a new threat to grieving children, in which feelings of isolation may be exacerbated.35 The threat to the emotional well-being of children due to loss of peers, loved ones, or teachers is significant and has been well-documented.14,29 Professionals in pediatrics and pandemic preparedness stressed the importance of involvement of children and families in pandemic planning, clear communication to the public, and accounting for missing plans and services, such as grief and bereavement counselling for children.36 These findings demonstrate grief in children and adolescents can present itself through different manifestations and indicate that in times of physical distancing, the negative mental health impacts of grief can be exacerbated.
Overall, 12% of papers reported outcomes related to children experiencing stigma as a result of a pandemic or epidemic. The stigma surrounding infectious disease typically impacts those who are diagnosed with or have family infected by a disease (as reported in 86% the articles/reports presented here) and children of certain ethnic backgrounds, such as children from countries where a disease originated (as reported in 28% of the articles/reports presented here).13,33,37–39 In a study focussed on Ebola survivors, in which 20% of the sample was children, 26% of participants were stigmatized by the public.38 The isolation associated with stigma increases the risk of harm to a child’s psychological well-being.13,29,37,39,40 The psychological impact of stigma can lead to social rejection, complete isolation, and exclusion from social events.29 Children may be discriminated against, especially those orphaned as a result of a pandemic.22,33,37 During the Ebola epidemic, children’s drawings of their peers who were orphaned due to Ebola were images of children who were ostracised, isolated, and discriminated.40 Moreover, children orphaned due to Ebola, but who remain sero-negative, are less likely to be adopted by families.41 In some of these cases, relatives, neighbours, or friends adopt the child, although over 20% of adults surveyed believe these children are not properly supervised or well-fed.29 In summary, the findings suggest that stigma is mostly problematic for children who are associated with the disease, such as children who were infected, had family who was infected, or are from countries where the disease originated.
A total of 33% articles provided evidence that pandemics and epidemics have a significant impact on children’s nutritional status.23,29,42–48 Due to pandemic-related school closures, many families (one study reported 41% of participants) have lost access to subsidized meal programs, thereby finding themselves in a position where they must provide meals for their children. In many circumstances, these meals are less nutritious than those provided by the school.42,43,47,49,50 Concurrently, pandemic-related increases in unemployment have also impacted the quality and volume of food that families can afford, thus having a further negative impact on children’s nutrition.22 One UNICEF report anticipates food insecurity will increase by 80% from last year in West and Central Africa, largely due to the COVID-19 pandemic.51 These losses are further exacerbated by decreased food availability and increased food costs due to border closures, market closures, and quarantine requirements. These restrictions create obstacles to acquire nutritional foods for economically-disadvantaged families.29,31,33,39,45,52–55 Taken together, these obstacles lead to child malnutrition.48,51,56–59 During the COVID-19 pandemic, Italian students’ intake of potato chips, red meat, and sugary drinks increased significantly, whilst the number of meals per day increased by 1.15±1.56.44 In contrast, during and immediately subsequent to the Ebola epidemic in Sierra Leone, diagnoses of both moderate-acute and severe-acute malnutrition doubled, from 3.6% to 8.2%, and 1.5% to 3.5%, respectively.23 Due to COVID-19, an estimated 67,500 children in Mozambique alone will require treatment for malnutrition in the next 9 months.60 Conclusively, the findings suggest that nutrition is often negatively impacted by pandemics either by over-eating inexpensive, unhealthy food, or by facing varying levels of starvation.
During pandemics and epidemics, 23% of the articles highlighted academic impacts on children. Twenty-three percent of these articles revealed unequal access to learning tools, such as radios, televisions, and power supply in rural regions.22,50,61,62 During the Ebola epidemic, lectures were accessed through radio. Some lacked both access and finances to buy batteries for the radio.29 This unequal access is also evidenced during the COVID-19 pandemic, as 1.6 billion children were crisis schooled at home.53 Furthermore, a UNICEF COVID-19 report indicated that internet access for school children ranged from 1-2% in low income countries to < 50% in most countries.53 These observations are now described as the “digital divide,” resultant of differences in socioeconomic status and pre-existing vulnerabilities.50,63–66
During school closures children struggle to complete their schoolwork from home, causing learning delays in some and increasing the risk of dropout for others.15,18,58,61,67 For example, Cui et al. indicated only 58% of children completed their school work online.15 Females, those with ill caregivers, those who have a disability, or are in an economically-disadvantaged household were especially at-risk for learning challenges during pandemics/epidemics.22,33,50,53,57,61,68 School closures also disrupt the development of children socially and emotionally and also impact the development of coping skills.13,63 These findings and reports indicate that school closure impacts child learning, widens the socioeconomic gap, and impacts child development.
Twenty-one percent of articles discussed the nature of children’s activity during a pandemic or epidemic. Play is critical for healthy development and self-confidence.20,22,48 Yet, subsequent to home confinement, reduced access to group activities, playgrounds, team sports, and spaces for socialization, evidence from pandemics and epidemics point toward changes in the way children play.15,43,44,48,49,69–71. One report indicated most children only played at home and did not play in groups (Table 4).29
A unique consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic is significantly increased screen time due to confinement in a time where technology has greatly advanced.31 Whereas online communities help to keep children socially connected, engage in play and education, risks for negative outcomes, including reduced online safety (i.e. sexual exploitation), privacy concerns, harmful marketing practices and cyberbullying, must also be acknowledged and monitored.27,65,72,73
Family conflict
Family conflict is on the rise during pandemics and epidemics, as indicated by 8% of articles.13,61 Pandemics and epidemics have demonstrated that increased stress due to confinement and economic pressures can lead to an increase in familial conflict and child exploitation.63 These outcomes are often related to authoritarian parenting styles, a parenting style found to be ill-suited for pandemic situations.15 During the Ebola epidemic, parents qualitatively described changes in parenting styles and disciplinary methods. Moreover, parents exposed to the virus reported significantly more household conflict and personal anxieties, as well as an increased preference for harsh punishment. In contrast, parents not exposed to the virus experienced decreased preferences for harsh punishment by 28.1%.74
In addition to changes in parenting styles, parent-child relationships may suffer during quarantine due to altered communication and social interactions.75 A new-found focus on responsibilities, such as household tasks, also had negative impacts on the parent-child relationship.75 These findings suggest family conflict and relationships between parents and children are negatively impacted by quarantine resultant of pandemics and epidemics.
Child abuse
Heightened levels of stress and isolation for families in the home, coupled with reduced access to social supports for children during pandemics, creates opportunity for increased risk of child abuse as indicated by 25% of included articles.49,62,65,75–77 During the Ebola epidemic, 89% of reported cases of rape in Liberia were against children ages 0-17. The report further indicated rape and violence, specifically, were common amongst girls and increased during Ebola in West Africa.78 Child abuse is often associated with a lack of effective coping strategies during periods of elevated stress. Child maltreatment reports during the COVID-19 pandemic include increased sexual assault, child trafficking, child marriage. Parental substance abuse also increases which is associated with greater levels of child maltreatment.39,50,60,79,80 Physical distancing during COVID-19 has disrupted protective social networks and safe spaces for children, resulting in an elevated risk of child exploitation.48,79,81,82 Extant literature suggests specific groups of children may experience more harm. For example, girls are more likely to experience gender-based violence, be sexually exploited, and suffer from increased rates of teenage pregnancy during a pandemic or epidemic.50,68,78,80 Limited research to date during the COVID-19 pandemic points toward negative mental health outcomes associated with child abuse including anxiety, trauma, and psychological relapse.13,54 In brief, the literature indicates increased instances of child abuse during pandemics and epidemics, especially for girls.
Family economic impact
Twenty-five percent of articles described the socioeconomic impact on families during pandemics and epidemics. Pandemic-related closures place additional stress on caregivers to find childcare or provide childcare themselves at the expense of missing work.15,26,43,70,71,75,83 After the 2009 H1N1 pandemic, 27% of parents reported work absenteeism and 18% lost wages.83 In contrast, one study focused on the H1N1 pandemic found the majority of parents did not lose any time at work. However, this sample contained many “stay-at-home parents”, thus influencing the number of missed work days.69 Economic downturns caused by pandemics can also result in job loss, increased poverty, and price hikes for daily goods and services.48,57,61,77,84,85 Those from a low socioeconomic background and those with pre-existing vulnerabilities face harsher economic impacts during economic downturns related to pandemics.39,50,81 Notably, during 2008 Kentucky school closures consequent to an influenza outbreak, only 14.9% of parents had the opportunity to work from home.49 This is alarming, given the acuity of work from home directives imposed on an unprecedented number of employees, many of whom are concurrently parenting from home, during the COVID-19 pandemic.70,75,77 The majority of studies found that many parents lose income during pandemics, due to work absenteeism and job loss; low socioeconomic status households are disproportionately impacted.
The COVID-19 pandemic, and subsequent school closures, loss of social contact, impoverished diets, greater screen time, and reduced physical activity and outdoor time have adverse effects on child mental health.31,44,53,63,71 Alarmingly, many families are facing greater food insecurity, due to losses to school lunch programs or household income, or because of decreased food availability,45,47,59 and socioeconomic stress and confinement have contributed to increase familial conflict and child abuse.53
Scoping reviews are intended to identify the extent of knowledge and gaps in an area of research.8One gap that was found herein was that mental health outcomes/diagnoses were lacking in specificity. Some studies did have the percentage of diagnoses, such as anxiety and depression, but most approached mental health outcomes from a general perspective, pointing toward a need for additional research on child mental health outcomes both now and after the pandemic. Of the research that did indicate prevalence of diagnoses, minimal studies had pre-pandemic data to compare to pandemic data, and much of the literature included short-term outcomes only. Thus, it is difficult to draw direct comparisons between pre-pandemic and during/post-pandemic data. Therefore, longitudinal studies are warranted to identify long-term sequelae of pandemic-related childhood mental health consequences. One unique aspect related to the COVID-19 pandemic is the increased amount of screen time for children. Although there are many positive outcomes to having access to these technologies, the long-term mental health effects are not currently well known, therefore, the impact of increased technology use on children should be monitored over time.
We acknowledge the limitations of this scoping review. Scoping reviews are not intended to analyze the quality of the included studies. Additionally, our search strategy covered a broad range of outcomes, thus necessitating a balance between breadth and depth. We also restricted our search to English-language publications only, raising the possibility that relevant studies in other language may have not been identified. Another limitation of the current study is that COVID-19 has had greater impacts on most individuals in some significant way. Therefore, one should keep this in mind as a limitation when making comparisons with epidemics or pandemics that may have a smaller scale impact (e.g. measles). Also, societal factors such as geographical location, culture, government, and socioeconomic status can pose a challenge for generalizing the results to the greater population (see Tables for identifying regions).
This scoping review also adds to the literature in several ways. A comprehensive search strategy, from both academic and grey literature databases, to identify relevant articles was comprehensive and included diverse child-related outcomes to ensure as much breadth and depth as was possible which would help guide the development of future research. This review may be viewed as a starting point toward creating programs and solutions for the many challenges children face during pandemics, including the prevention of long-term impacts subsequent to the COVID-19 pandemic, with particular emphasis on mental health services and resources, for children facing food insecurity, maltreatment, and economic disadvantage.
Insight gleaned from pandemics and epidemics provide evidence on the negative impacts, including psychosocial, nutritional, financial, and child safety outcomes, pandemics and epidemics can have on children and their families, which can help inform family-centered policies. Increased psychological supports for children and their families are essential both now and for years to come.
Table 2.Academic articles found through scoping review searches 1-14
First author and year
Crisis |
Country |
(N; ages) |
Study Design |
Key findings |
Aitken 201042 |
H1N1 |
Australia |
over 18 years |
Cross-sectional |
94% have food for 3 days of isolation
54% have food and water for 3 days of isolation if utility services were stopped
Households with children less prepared for 3 days of isolation
Borse 201169 |
H1N1 |
elementary school children |
Cross-sectional |
70% of children stayed home
30% left home during the school closure (most commonly to playgrounds)
Households in which adults were employed, 24% left home
Buzzi 202018 |
COVID-19 |
Italy |
13-20 years |
Cross-sectional |
Regarding pandemic:
35% little/no concern
51.2% moderate concern
14.5% extreme concern
36% believed media exaggerated COVID-19 and distrusted media networks
36.8% concerned about school closures
Casanova 202019 |
COVID-19 |
Italy |
75 (25 cancer patients receiving treatment, 25 cancer patients in follow-up post-treatment, 25 peers with no cancer)
15-21 years |
Qualitative |
Large number of patients expressed worry about the virus; not seen in healthy peers
Patients burdened by parental concerns, while healthy peers did not
Patients deemed public health measures appropriate; healthy peers deemed them excessive
Chow 201375 |
Influenza (general) |
Australia |
23 parents of children aged 6 months – 3 years |
Qualitative |
Parent-child relationships worsened; communication centred around responsibilities
Older siblings were more understanding when told they had to stay home due to a sick child, but younger ones would act out.
Cui 202015 |
COVID-19 |
China |
hospital representatives |
Cross-sectional |
15% of hospitals opened online mental health services for children:
One hospital provided child services:
45% had anxiety
22% had insomnia
13% had depression
13% had somatic symptoms
8% had other concerns
School closures created fear, frustration, boredom, lack of in-person contacts with friends, teachers and classmates
58% of children finished online schoolwork
3% of children who experienced trauma due to the infection were diagnosed with PTSD
Increased conflict in child-parent relationships, authoritative parenting styles are not well suited to coping with the pandemic
Denis-Ramirez 201740 |
Ebola |
Sierra Leone |
8-14 years |
Qualitative |
Orphans experienced name calling, distancing, othering, driving away, fear from family and friends, exhaustion, and rejection
Psychological impact of stigma included psychological distress, ostracization, and abandonment
Effler 201026 |
H1N1 |
Australia |
parents of school children (elementary - grade 7) |
Cross-sectional |
90% reported school closure cased little-no anxiety for their child
55% indicated that school closure caused moderate-severe disruption to family routine
Epson 201543 |
General ILI |
67 school aged children |
Cross-sectional |
3% reported missed subsidized school meals as a challenge
Etard 201738 |
Ebola |
Guinea |
20% < 18 years |
Longitudinal |
98.9% of participants reported stigmatisation
Green 201874 |
Ebola |
Liberia |
Parents of children aged 3-4 |
Longitudinal |
Parental preference for harsh parenting methods from pre-EVD to post-EVD decreased by 28.1%,
Exposure to EVD associated with increased parent preferences for harsh punishment
Parents exposed to EVD reported significantly more household conflict and personal anxieties
Ji 201725 |
Ebola |
Sierra Leone |
18 EVD survivors; 8 aged 12-30, 8 aged 31-50, 2 aged > 51 |
Cross-sectional |
High proportions of positive symptom scores in EVD survivors:
83.3% obsessive-compulsive
83.3% anxiety,
94.4% hostility,
94.4% phobic anxiety,
72.2% paranoid ideation
Johnson 200847 |
Influenza B |
school-aged children
41% of responding households lost access to subsidized lunch programs
Kamara 201723
Sierra Leone
27 under age of 17
Depression, anxiety disorders, grief, social problems most prevalent disorders
EVD survivors and bereaved relatives experienced grief, mild depressive, anxiety symptoms, stigma
MAM diagnoses increase by 4.6% in community and 2.8% increase in health facilities (P< 0.001)
SAM diagnoses 2% increase from pre to post outbreak (P<0.003) with ¼ completing monthly treatment
Kodish 2019a46 |
Sierra Leone
42 key informants and community informants
Impacts on feeding practices and food chains affect nutrition
Breast feeding halted
Some struggle switching to formula
Pandemic increased purchase of affordable, unhealthy food
Increased orphans, new caregivers take on feeding responsibilities
Nutritional challenges for infants and young children
Kodish 2019b45
Guinea and Sierra Leone
105 adults/parents
Challenges related to infant and young child nutrition during EVD:
Limited nutrition programming
Decreased health system access
Poor caregiving
Nutritional response implementation challenges
Increased rate of malnutrition
Household food insecurity
Changing breast feeding
Delivery of food assistance
Funding diverted from nutrition to EVD containment/treatment
Koller 201020
One visitor at a time in hospital was difficult for children and family
Patients lonely, fearful and sad
Visits from family show support
Hospital staff need to be calm for children to feel comfortable
Miscommunication and misinformation about virus caused anxiety, confusion, fear in children
Isolation and news resulted in fear of the “worst case scenario”
Play/distraction important for psychosocial care
Koller 200630 |
(5 children aged 6-18, 10 parents and 8 health care workers were interviewed)
Changes in play: confined to home, no extracurriculars, no social spaces
Children were unhappy, lonely, heartbroken for the loss of loved one
Emotional well-being was disrupted; changes in friendships, bereavement, loss of care and intimacy with parents
Problematic food availability/prices
16,600+ children orphaned by EVD
Relatives, friends, neighbors often care for orphans, despite stigma
>20% of adult participants stated orphans were not properly supervised/fed
Survivors/children related to victims of EVD suffer social isolation
Lack of studying from home during school closure; children were too hungry/busy working
Girls less likely to study than boys
Liang 202032
Men scored higher in mental health (General Health Questionnaire-12) and PTSD measurements (indicating worse mental health and more PTSD)
Lower education level associated with symptoms of PTSD and worse mental health
14-35 age bracket found no significant effect of age and mental health scores; can be generalized to ages 14-18
Miller 201071
63 parents
Decreased activity rates in grade 9-12 students
Murray 201014
Fears result from unanswered questions and misconceptions
Infants experience detachment and regression
Preschoolers have sense of guilt or responsibility for pandemic
Toddlers experience stress if their environment changes
School-aged children at risk for adjustment reactions due to stress
Adolescent stress may be exacerbated by pandemic due to other developmental changes
PTSD may result due to enduring adjustment difficulties
Children experience significant grief due to loss of family/peers
Nicholas 201036
General Pandemics
290 professionals in pandemic planning and pediatrics (working with children and youth)
Mixed methods
Grief bereavement counselling for children is needed
Page 201117
United Kingdom
144 clinical records, not all were children, but specified results for children separately (49 under the age of 16)
Children were found to be vulnerable to media
Child mental health was especially impacted by H1N1
Age < 16 associated with having moderate/severe H1N1 concerns
Children/adolescents were overrepresented amongst patients who expressed significant concern about H1N1
Pietrobelli 202044
41 children and adolescents
No changes in fruit and vegetable intake (P=0.055)
Potato chip, red meat, sugary drink intakes increased during lockdown (P=0.005-0.001)
Number of meals per day increased by 1.15 ± 1.56 (more in males - 1.64 - than females - 0.58)
Sports activities decreased by 2.3 ± 4.6 hours/day (P=0.003)
Screen time increased by 4.85 ± 2.4 hours/day (P<0.001)
Inverse correlation b/w change in sports participation and change in number of meals/screen time
Street child 201533
Sierra Leone
≤ 18
Mixed methods
Difficulty re-homing “EVD orphans”
Children of parents with EVD face stigma themselves
Orphaned children tend to isolate themselves, have nightmares about deaths of parents, live in constant fear
91% orphans are reliant on food aid
Loss of parent linked to malnutrition
Orphans struggle with return to education
Sprang 201316
H1N1, SARS, and Influenza
USA and Canada
586 parents
Mixed methods
30% quarantined children had PTSD
1.1% of non-isolated children had PTSD
Symptoms: avoidance/numbing (57.8%), reexperiencing (57.8%), and arousal (62.5%)
85.7% of parents who met criteria for PTSD also have children who meet criteria
Pediatric diagnoses during/after pandemic:
Acute stress disorder= 16.7%,
Adjustment disorder=16.7%,
PTSD= 6.2%
Diagnoses during/after the pandemic for youth:
Adjustment disorder=20%
PTSD= 1.4%
Gender played no role
Xie 202024
grades 2-6
Cross-sectional |
18.9% had anxiety symptoms
Students worried about contracting virus had higher Child Depression Inventory-S scores than those who were not worried about getting the virus (37.3% were worried)
22.6% had depressive symptoms
Wuhan students received higher scores on a depression and anxiety scale than those in Huangshi; greater risk of depressive symptoms
Those who were pessimistic about pandemic had higher scores on the anxiety/depression scale than those who were optimistic about the pandemic; pessimists had increased risk of depressive symptoms (50.9% of students were optimistic)
Zhou 202021
Anxiety symptoms lower in city vs. rural (32.5% vs. 47.5%)
Proportion of male students with depression/anxiety lower than female students (41.7 vs. 45.5/36.2% vs. 38.4%)
The total proportion of the students with anxiety was 37.4% (mild-severe symptoms)
Comorbid depressive and anxiety symptoms was 31.3%
Nervousness, anxious or on-edge (53.6%), worrying (47.3%), becoming easily annoyed or irritable (47%) are common symptoms of anxiety
COVID education higher among those without symptoms
Depression symptoms in cities were lower than rural (37.7% vs. 47.5%)
As the grade increased so did the frequency of depressive symptoms
Total depression in sample 43.7%
Little interest in pleasure/doing things (53.9%), feeling tired or low energy (48.4%), poor appetite or overeating (45.6%) are common symptoms of depression
Abbreviations: COVID-19, Coronavirus disease 2019; EVD, Ebola virus disease; H1N1, Hemagglutinin Type 1 and Neuraminidase; Type 1ILI, Influenza like illness; MAM, moderate acute malnutrition; N/A, not applicable; PTSD, post-traumatic stress disorder; SAM, severe acute malnutrition; SARS, severe acute respiratory syndrome
Table 3.Academic articles were found through scoping review searches 15-16
First author and year
(N; ages)
Study Design
Key findings
Andersson 199284
Measles epidemic
1211 children<5
Mixed Methods |
Monetary cost and loss of household reserve capital
Average loss of 18.8 workdays per case of measles
Local pharmacies reported increased cost of drugs
Families often sold livestock to pay for medical care
Families with measles in household:
70% incurred financial loss
Borse 201169 |
H1N1 |
554 households with elementary school children |
Cross-sectional |
83% did not lose time at work
The probability of losing work for a household with only one working parent is 9%
When both parents are employed, the probability of losing work is 42%
CDC 200849 |
Influenza |
Kentucky |
480 children
School district A = low SES (327)
School district B = higher SES (145)
Mixed Methods |
29.1% had an adult that had to miss work
15.7% have lost pay
10% children in school district A (lower SES) relied more on school meal plans
14.9% had the option to work from home
39.8% had a "non-working" member
Chen 201183 |
H1N1 |
Taiwan |
232 parents/caretakers of children ages 6-13 |
Cross-sectional |
27% reported workplace absenteeism
18% reported wage loss
23% felt moderately inconvenienced by school closure
73% supported the school closure
Chow 201375
Pandemic influenza (general)
23 parents of children aged 6 months – 3 years
Many nominated impact on work as one of the largest daily life disturbances
Work absenteeism increased and pay decreased
Impact on employee-employer relationship
Cui 202015 |
33 hospitals |
Cross-sectional |
Parent job loss adds stress on family
Effler 201026 |
H1N1 |
223 parents of school children during school closure
45% reported taking >1 day off work for childcare (1-5 days, median 3 days)
35% had to arrange childcare
10% cared for themselves at home
Epson 201543
Epidemic ILI (general)
USA - Colorado
35 households (representing 67 students)
80% reported closure not challenging
20% reported challenges
14% reported that ≥1 day missed work
9% reported lost pay
63% did not anticipate challenges to school closure; 6 of 8 who anticipated challenges indicated all the adults in the household worked out of the home
Esposito 201185
389 children < 15
Mixed methods
No major effect # of days missed:
08/09 seasonal H3N2: mothers lost 5.9 fathers lost 3.4, siblings missed 3.9 days of school
09/10 pandemic H1N1 missed days: mothers lost 5.9, fathers lost 3.3 and siblings missed 4.1
Gift 201070 |
H1N1 |
USA - Pennsylvania
214 households (269 students)
69% reported zero missed workdays, of the remaining
~ 40% missed 5 workdays during school closures
School closure > week may result in more missed work
Older siblings can reduce missed work
Johnson 200847 |
Influenza B |
North Carolina |
220 households (438 adults, 355 school aged children) |
Cross-sectional |
54% employed outside the home
18% were able to work from home
18% of adults stayed home due to school closures (all employed at schools)
76% had a form of childcare
10%, special childcare arrangements due to school closures
3% spent >1 day overnight for childcare
1% spent extra money on childcare
Kavanagh 201286 |
H1N1 |
Victoria, Australia |
133 households of employed parents, 33 schools (school aged children)
52% of parents took time of work to care for quarantined children
42% (without leave) vs. 58% (leave), P=0.08 took time off work
73% pay loss without leave vs. 21%, with leave P<0.001
of those who lost pay, 42% experienced further financial consequences
Miller 201071 |
H1N1 |
N/A |
63 parent responses for 176 grade 5-8 students; 188 student responses for 240 grade 9-12 students |
Cross-sectional |
20%, nanny/babysitter for childcare
30% had caregivers stay home from work to care for them ≥ 1 day a week
9% in upper school reported caregivers staying home from work to care for them
Abbreviations: COVID-19, Coronavirus disease 2019; H1N1, Hemagglutinin Type 1 and Neuraminidase Type 1ILI, Influenza like; Influenza A virus subtype, H3N2; SES, Socio-economic Status; SARS, severe acute respiratory syndrome. See Online Supplementary Document, Appendix 1 for details.
Table 4.Grey literature reports found through searches 17-32 (see Appendix 1)
Key findings
Centers for disease control and prevention 2008 - Impact of Seasonal Influenza-Related School Closures on Families49
42.9% households had at least one child enrolled in meal program
School district B households (higher SES) were less likely to have children participating in meal programs than school district A households (lower SES) (p<0.05)
10.0% of households with children in meal programs had difficulty replacing school-provided meals
Canadian Medical Association Journal 2020 - Addressing the indirect effects of COVID-19 on the health of children and young people31
Adverse childhood experiences (maltreatment, poverty, food insecurity) are associated with mental health problems, obesity, cardiovascular disease
Adverse experiences are more common for children experiencing mandated social isolation, particularly for vulnerable populations
Closures increase food insecurity in those dependent on school meals
Pandemic-related financial loss has reduced food security, access to markets, preventative nutrition deficiency programs, and decreased access for treatments for nutritional deficiencies
These factors may result in the increase of children suffering with acute malnutrition
2,426 children and adolescents (6–17 yr.) in China showed a reduction of 7.3 hours per week in physical activity during isolation
30 hr/week increase in screen time compared to pre-pandemic
Prolonged screen time causes feelings of sadness, irritability, concentration difficulties, resulting in mood disorder in adolescents
Physical distancing is challenging for those with additional needs
Increase in family violence is expected, likely to be associated with greater nonaccidental injury and mental trauma in children
Coalition to Support Grieving Students 2020 - Supporting grieving students during a pandemic35
School supports are reduced due to school closures increasing social isolation felt by grieving children
End Violence Against Children 2020 - Leader’s Statement: Violence against Children; a Hidden Crisis of the COVID-19 Pandemic65
Online communities important to children's learning/play
Increased cyberbullying, risky online behavior, exploitation
Lockdowns, school closures, loss of income, movement restrictions, overcrowding, and high levels of stress and anxiety increase the risk for maltreatment, gender-based violence, sexual exploitation
Refugees, migrants, those living without parental care, those with disabilities experience exacerbated risk for violence due to lack of access to supports such as teachers, friends, and social workers
Food and Agriculture Organization 2020 - The state of food security and nutrition in the world52
Food supply disruptions, loss of livelihoods, remittances as a result of COVID-19 create barriers for accessing nutritious foods
Difficulties for low SES families to maintain healthy diets
Humanitarian Country Team 2020 - Occupied Palestinian Territory COVID-19 Humanitarian Response Plan54
Palestinian Territory
Food insecurity levels rise on the West Bank (herders/farmers/fishers are particularly vulnerable)
Increased levels of violence in children, greater risks of anxiety, trauma, psychological relapse
United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs and Food and Agriculture Organization 2020 - Flash Appeal; for Covid-1960
67,500 children will require treatment for malnutrition in the next 9 months in Mozambique
3,000 children are being treated for SAM and 40,000 cases of pellagra since March 2019
Negative coping mechanisms due to financial struggles; increased child marriage, transactional sex, reduced opportunities for schooling
Onyango 201978
West Africa
89% rape cases in Liberia were against children
Girls have increased responsibility in home, increasing opportunity for exploitation and sexual violence
Girls became heads of households during the Ebola pandemic
Girls who lost parents to Ebola forced to engage in transactional sex to afford food/housing
Children were afraid of rape shared these stories with each other
Most girls believed teenage pregnancy was rising and 10% stated that girls were being forced into prostitution due to loss of family members
Teenage pregnancy increased 65% from impacts of Ebola
Plan International 201529
Liberia and Sierra Leone
Stigma faced by large number of children due to social isolation
Few children were completing studies during school closure
Data suggests girls are less likely to home study than boys
Many parents are uneducated and cannot help children with schoolwork, children are too hungry to focus/busy working
Sports such as football, volleyball, kickball etc. could not be played and places of socialization were closed
∼ 70% of children in Sierra Leone and Liberia played at home
~ 82 and ~ 85% in Sierra Leon and Liberia did not play in groups in groups, respectively.
Children grieving were unhappy, lonely, heartbroken
Interviews suggested that the emotional well-being of children was challenged by disrupted friendships, bereavement, a loss of hope in education, loss of care and intimacy with parents
Food availability/increased prices were problematic
Save the children 2020 - Learning must go on: recommendations for keeping children safe and learning during and After the COVID-19 Crisis50
Marginalized children may not have access to distanced education
Many low SES families rely on school-provided meals
Low SES families will reduce income further
Children who live in countries already in conflict situations face greater challenges
Girls more likely to drop out of school with school closures
Reduced access to schools for girls results in increased labour, forced marriage, early pregnancy, domestic/sexual violence
Teenage pregnancy doubled to 14,000 during Ebola, girls were attacked/raped in quarantined home
Disruption of routines difficult for children with disabilities who require stability
Closures put children with disabilities at a greater risk of abuse
The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action 2020 - COVID-19: Protecting Children from Violence, Abuse, and Neglect in the Home79
Quarantine instills fear/panic in children
Children are experiencing disrupted family connections, support and fear of the disease
Discrimination/stigma against children greater risk for psychosocial distress and violence
Increased risk of violence and exploitation can result in psychological distress, negative impact on development
The Government of Quebec 2020 - How children and teens experience bereavement34
How children and adolescents react to loss of loved ones is dependent on their age, maturity, culture, relationship with the departed and support network
Thomas 201456
West Africa
Food supply shortages mentioned (up to 40% of farmers in Sierra Leone abandoned farms) which may lead to malnutrition in children
Ukraine 2020 - Emergency Response Plan for the COVID-19 Pandemic67
Those most vulnerable to food insecurity include farmers and owners of local food markets
Minorities face barriers to learning from home language instruction and lack of supports
Children with disabilities struggle more with home learning due to lack of access to equipment and services
UN 2020 - A joint Statement on nutrition in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic in Asia and the Pacific55
Asia and the Pacific
Lost income increases food insecurity
School closures eliminate subsidized meals for low SES children
Quarantine has increased the trend of non-diversified diets, increased consumption of processed foods, decreased consumption of nutritious foods (whole fresh fruits and vegetables)
Food systems and supply chains are being disrupted by lockdowns and restrictions
Infants, young children, pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers face risks to nutritional status
School closures prevent children from accessing crucial school health and nutrition services, including nutritious school meals
UN 2020 - COVID-19 Nepal preparedness and response plan58
Education of children has been disrupted, threatening continuity of education for children and the community
UNDP 2014 - Assessing the socio-economic impacts of Ebola Virus Disease in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone77 |
Ebola |
Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone |
Reduction in employment, increased poverty and decreased food security
UNICEF 2020 - UNICEF Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic: Background Paper for the Executive Board53
Strain on mental health of children and caregivers increased pressures and risk of violence against children, child marriage
Child protection is at risk due to lack of social services and family separation (child protection decreases by 25%)
Children with disabilities have an increased risk of violence, sexual abuse and exploitation
There is a marked increases in child poverty: 106 million children living in poor households by end of 2020
Pandemic-related nutritional issues include:
Disruptions to food supply chains and local food markets
Increasing poverty reduces access to nutritious foods
Reduced access to essential nutrition services, including school meals (369 million children use) and services to prevent/treat stunting, wasting and micronutrient deficiencies
UNICEF 2020 - All means all: equity and inclusion in COVID-19 EIE response64 |
Vulnerable children may struggle in continuing education online:
Confinement may have psychosocial impacts
Increased safety risks for vulnerable (e.g. child abuse in the home)
Neglect in children with disabilities
Greater isolation for girls and increased care for ill relatives and siblings
UNICEF 2020 - Children’s Rights and Digital Business During COVID-19 and Beyond27
Issues that may arise with increase in online access for children:
Access and equity
Rights for technology and content in education
Safety of children online
Fighting the spread of misinformation
Data protection and privacy for children
Surveillance and Infection Control
Digital marketing and responsible commercial practices
Cybersecurity for children
Supporting play and participation
Innovating to support children’s rights
UNICEF 2020 - The Socio-economic Impact of COVID-19 on Children and Young People in the Eastern Caribbean Area61
Eastern Caribbean Area
Education affected by prolonged interruption of courses and exams
Half have no internet and 40% relied on access outside the home
Reductions in future academic performance and increased dropout rates
Quarantine increases stress resulting in violence and neglect for children (exacerbated by unemployment and poverty)
Pronounced reductions in wages or earnings
UNICEF 2020 - COVID-19 and its implications for protecting children online73
↑ Internet use ↑ risk of sexual exploitation due to greater online contacts
Quarantine means that families are in closer contact, increasing child abuse online and offline
Extended unstructured time online=increased cyberbullying
Covid-19 introduced the use of instant messaging, online gaming and chat services to children with less online experience, who are also less resilient to harmful behavior
The alliance for child protection in humanitarian action - COVID-19 protecting children from violence, abuse and neglect in home79
Common risk factors for violence, abuse and neglect:
Increased poverty and food insecurity due to job loss
Reduced access to education in person or online
An increase in children's digital activity and a decrease in caregiver monitoring, which exposes them to greater digital risks
↑ children’s digital activity ↓ in monitoring=greater digital risks
Absence of school provided meals
Disruption of peer/social support networks for children/caregivers
Disruption of community/social support services
Children/caregivers routines are broken down
Increased alcohol and/or substance use by adolescents/caregivers
Additional childcare arrangements
UNICEF 2020 - Framework for reopening schools 202068
Interruption of education has long-term impacts (e.g. ↓ social cohesion, ↑ inequality, and poor health outcomes)
School closures impact's child ability to learn
Children less likely to return to school when out for a prolonged time
Being out of school ↑ risk of threats such as teenage pregnancy, sexual exploitation, child marriage, and violence
School closures interrupts services (e.g. immunization, feeding, mental health)
School closures cause stress/anxiety due to ↓ interaction and disrupted routines
Increased negative impacts for marginalized children
UNICEF 2020 - Gender-responsive social protection during COVID-19: Technical note80
Economic shock will impact low income families the most
Long-term effects expected to ↑ homicides and violent assault
Longer-term and gendered impacts for children
Child marriage for girls increases disproportionately during times of crisis
UNICEF 2020 - Humanitarian Action for Children: Coronavirus (COVID-19) Global Response48
Vulnerable children are in danger of dropping out of school because of significant inequities in accessing remote learning, widening the education gap
Negative developmental impacts on children due to ↓ access to play, care etc.
Quarantine is isolating women and children in homes that are not safe
106 million additional children will be in poor households by end of 2020
School closures negatively impact learning, health, nutrition, protection and well-being
School interruptions create a risk of permanent dropout, especially for girls, children from poor households and children with disabilities
Internet access ranged from 1-86% depending on the region with most <50%
Poorer households in low-middle income countries have poorer access to technologies (e.g. TV, radio, and power supply)
369 million have missed school meals which are relied upon by many
265 million estimated to face starvation by end of the year
Estimates say children < 5 years with wasting disease could increase by 15 per cent over the first year of the pandemic (higher increases expected in Africa)
UNICEF 2020 - Migrant and Displaced Children in the Age of COVID-19: How the Pandemic Is Impacting Them and What Can We Do to Help39 |
Misinformation ↑ discrimination and xenophobia towards migrant children
Border restriction reduces relief needed by marginalized children
80% of children in Yemen are malnourished and rely on humanitarian aid
Migrant/displaced children experience ↑ effect of limited access to education due to language barriers for refugees and enrolment issues
Online learning results in unequal access due to poor electricity in remote locations and refugee camps
Economic downturns ↑ child married or sexual exploitation, domestic violence, social exclusion, and separation from caregivers
Migrant/displaced children unaccompanied due to disruptions in protection services, resulting in increased living on streets and greater risk for harms
UNICEF 2020 Reaching out to Partners in the Time of COVID-19: Key results for Children Nutrition51
West Central Africa region (WCA)
80% increase in food insecurity expected for people in the WCA region
Increased food insecurity and COVID-19 effects are expected to ↑ level of SAM by 20%
UNICEF 2020 - Safe to Learn during COVID-1963
School closure results in ↓ social interactions crucial in developing social-emotional skills, normal development, and building coping skills
School closures will especially affect disabled, indigenous, refugee children, those in remote or rural areas, in countries with ongoing crisis, and those with limited access to family support networks or online education
Girls and children with disabilities are at a greater risk for violence
↑ Gender inequalities, ↑ risk for child marriage and teenage pregnancies
Confinement and economic pressures in historic pandemics ↑stress ∴ increasing family conflict, violence against children and exploitation
UNICEF 2020 - Scope of Food crisis as COVID-19 poses new risks to Nutritional needs of Children Malawi59
↑ Food insecurity results in undernutrition and poor feeding practices
Small farm holders are particularly at risk for food insecurity
Vitamin A access expected to ↓ due to reduced access to health care facilities
School closure, market disruptions, suspension of nutrition programs, and poverty is expected to↑nutrition deficiencies, obesity, and undernutrition ↓ quality, quantity, frequency and diversity of diet
Adolescent girls at risk for not having psychosocial support and ↑ GBV
UNICEF 2020 - Yemen Five Years on Report87
School closures, lockdowns, curfews, and the worsened economic conditions↑ risk for violence, forced marriage, sexual exploitation, and reduced access to child protection
UNICEF 2020 COVID-19 response: considerations for children and adults with disabilities66
Children with disabilities are at risk for exclusion from education if remote learning is not accessible or they do not have assistive devices
Save The Children 2020 - Keeping Children Safe Online During the COVID-19 Pandemic72
Survey in Thailand showed youth spend a lot of time playing online games, watching movies, using Facebook or suffering the internet
Youth have ↑ exposure to harmful content such as violence, self-harm, inappropriate advertising to children, and misinformation about COVID 19
Online communities allow play, and continued education but ↑online exposure ↑ risk of cyberbullying, sexual exploitation and risky behaviour
Children may talk more to strangers due to increased time online, and worry about what is happening in the world around them
Online platforms raise privacy concerns surrounding visible home environments and links can be misused for stealing information
UNICEF 2020- Technical Note: On COVID-19 and Harmful Practices82
School closure → learning loss and drop out to care for sick and work
Quarantine reduces safe spaces resulting in ↑ tensions, violence in homes
Quarantines ↑ GBV, sexual exploitation, forced early marriage, teenage pregnancy, separation from friends and caregivers, and ↓ protection
Adolescent girls are more affected by pandemics due to ↑ loss of education, loss of reproductive health services, and social networks
Fear of infection, violence and mistreatment by health workers prevents adolescent girls from seeking health services
Loss of family can ↑ risk of abuse of children, especially in adolescent girls
Discrimination of those suspected to be infected →violence against children
Marginalized adolescents (e.g. disability) are vulnerable to stigma and abuse
Young children are more affected by loss of livelihood, poverty, unemployment, disruption in skill building activity, loss of aspirations and empowerment
United Nations Human Rights oPT 2020 - The rights of children amid COVID-1922
Palestine Territory
↑ Depression, anxiety, isolation, uncertainty, worry, boredom, and rejection Low income has made access to quality food for children a challenge
Long periods from school ↓ chances marginalized children will return
Confinement ↑ risk for child abuse and being forced into crowded conditions
Children with reduced freedoms (e.g. detained) ↑ risk for violence, abuse, GBV
Vulnerable to abuse include children in poverty, with a disability, living on the streets, with underlying conditions, and with refugee status
WHO 2001 - A human rights approach to tuberculosis57
Tuberculosis |
N/A |
Households may lose income or acquire debt due to TB
When child caregiver is occupied with caring for a relative with TB, the child may be neglected; become malnourished, or lose education
WHO 2014 - Psychological First Aid during Ebola virus disease outbreaks37
Child pre-existing mental/physical disabilities ↑ risk for discrimination
Young girls at ↑ risk for violence due to self-protection challenges
Orphaned children experienced stigma and rejection from the community
Stigma/discrimination → isolation of children putting them at ↑ risk for harm
WHO 2020 - Global status report on preventing violence against children81
Physical distancing has ↑ risk of intra-family violence and online abuse
Child abuse and witnessing of violence between parents/caregivers increased
Spikes in calls to helplines about child abuse and intimate partner violence
Declines in # of child abuse cases referred to child protection services
↑ in online harms, including sexual exploitation and cyber-bullying due to ↑ internet use by children
Abbreviations: COVID-19, Coronavirus disease 2019; EVD; Ebola virus disease; GBV, gender-based violence; UN, United Nations UNICEF, United Nations Children’s Fund; WHO, World Health Organization, UNDP; United Nations Development Programme
We would like to thank Mê-Linh Lê, Victoria Ho, and Ellen Tisdale, who are Librarians from the University of Manitoba, for their contributions guiding the process of this scoping review.
Ms. Merrill wrote this manuscript while receiving a summer studentship jointly funded between Dr. Jennifer Protudjer’s start-up funds from the Children’s Hospital Research Institute of Manitoba (CHRIM), and the Canadian Society of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. Mrs. William wrote this manuscript while being funded over the summer by the Undergraduate Research Award through the University of Manitoba’s Vice-President, Research and International Office, in partnership with UMSU. Ms. Joyce’s graduate studies in clinical psychology were funded by a Master’s Studentship Award from Research Manitoba in partnership with the CHRIM and a fellowship from the University of Manitoba. The other authors received no external funding. The funders/sponsors were not involved in the preparation of the manuscript and had no influence on the results presented herein.
Authorship contributions
K. M. and T. W. contributed to developing the study design, data collection and collation, as well as writing, editing, and approving the manuscript.
K. J. led the development of the study design and data collection; wrote, edited and approved the manuscript.
L. R. contributed to developing the study design and editing the manuscript.
J. P. oversaw the review for the duration of the project as senior author; contributed to developing the study design; wrote parts of the manuscript; and, was involved in the editing process.
All authors approved the final manuscript as submitted and agree to be accountable for all aspects of the work.
Competing interests
The authors completed the Unified Competing Interest form at, and declare no conflicts of interest.
Correspondence to:
Dr J Protudjer
501G-715 McDermot Avenue, Winnipeg, MB, Canada, R3E 3P4
+1 204 480 1384
[email protected]