Title of Article/ Author (Year) Context / Country Intervention Conclusion
Evaluating the use of cell phone messaging for community Ebola syndromic surveillance in high risked settings in Southern Sierra Leone.[@36843] Sierra Leone Cellphone alerts for surveillance More effective tool for community epidemic surveillance than traditional sentinel surveillance
Pilot Testing and Implementation of a mHealth tool for Non-communicable Diseases in a Humanitarian Setting.[@36844] Syrian refugees in Jordan Provider tool for better diagnostics for NCDs. Better recording and follow up of health records. Increased end user satisfaction.
UNRWA’s innovative e-Health for 5 million Palestine refugees in the Near East.[@36845] Palestinian refugees in Middle East Health record keeping for non-communicable diseases, antenatal care and reminders. Increased efficiency and time saving for health services.
Assessing American Red Cross First Aid mobile app user trends: Implications for resilience.[@36846] N/A Alerting for disasters Increased usage of mobile apps during disasters.
Using Mobile Health (mHealth) and Geospatial Mapping Technology in a Mass Campaign for Reactive Oral Cholera Vaccination in Rural Haiti.[@36847] Rural Haiti Electronic registry creation Increased uptake of Oral Cholera Vaccination.
Sijilli: A Scalable Model of Cloud-Based Electronic Health Records for Migrating Populations in Low-Resource Settings.[@36848] Syrian refugees in Lebanon Cloud-based EHR  
mHealth information for migrants: an e-health intervention for internal migrants in Vietnam.[@36849] Vietnam Reminders, booklets and free counseling Increased usage of reproductive health services.
SMS-based smartphone application for disease surveillance has doubled completeness and timeliness in a limited-resource setting - evaluation of a 15-week pilot program in Central African Republic.[@36850] Central African Republic Smartphone application-based data transmission system mHealth tools provide enhanced surveillance data in low-resource setting
Practicing medicine without borders: tele-consultations and tele-mentoring for improving paediatric care in a conflict setting in Somalia?[@36851] Somalia Telehealth support Decreased risk of death or loss to follow up