Question Composite score Mean score Standard deviation
Government ownership
Is there an established CHIS Technical Working Group (TWG) lead by ministry senior staff and including representation from key stakeholder groups? 23.5% 0.7 1.1
Is there a long-term sustainability plan for the CHIS? 21.6% 0.6 0.8
Is there an annual budget for supporting the CHIS? 19.6% 0.6 0.7
Is there a project budget to develop and launch the CHIS? 17.6% 0.5 0.8
Is there a project budget for support and supervision? 29.4% 0.9 0.8
Is there a project budget for training? 25.5% 0.8 0.8
Are technical skills and hosting facilities available within the country? 47.1% 1.4 1.2
Is there a country e-Health policy for transmission and storage of community health data? 39.2% 1.2 1.2
Are roles and responsibilities of all community HIS stakeholders clearly defined? 58.8% 1.8 1.2
Community engagement
Are relevant stakeholders from civil society involved in the development and use of the CHIS? 70.6% 2.1 1.0
Are relevant stakeholder from civil society, traditional structures, and community change agents receiving targeted, actionable data feedback mechanisms? 41.2% 1.2 1.0
Are traditional structures and bodies, such as chiefs, engaged in the development and use of the CHIS? 45.1% 1.4 1.0
Do traditional health providers report through the CHIS? 11.8% 0.4 0.5
Is there a public webpage with relevant indicators on community health? 11.8% 0.4 0.8
Reporting structure
Is CHW reporting integrated in one system, linked to national Health Information Management System (HMIS)? 78.4% 2.4 0.9
Is data from all community health activities available in one system? 35.3% 1.1 0.9
Is there a list of essential community indicators available? 62.7% 1.9 1.1
Are improvised data capturing tools (such as registers, tally sheets, reports) used? 74.5% 2.2 0.7
Is all data on community health activities reported on time? 25.5% 0.8 0.9
What is the burden of data collection and reporting? 31.4% 0.9 0.7
Is there a sustainable incentive structure for a CHW? 33.3% 1.0 0.9
Do CHWs get automatic reminders when reporting is late or lacking? 31.4% 0.9 0.9
Are there automatic tools or procedures available to ensure high data quality before reporting? 45.1% 1.4 0.8
Are phones, reliable electricity and network coverage, available for CHWs reporting? 13.7% 0.4 0.5
What are the mechanisms for financing and topping up phone subscriptions or credits? 13.7% 0.4 0.6
To what extent are CHWs familiar with feature phones and/or smart phones? 39.2% 1.2 1.1
To what extent are CHWs' supervisors familiar with feature phones and/or smart phones? 43.1% 1.3 1.3
Is pre-service training on CHIS available for CHWs? 58.8% 1.8 1.3
Is refresher training on CHIS available for CHWs? 39.2% 1.2 1.4
Is supervisor training available for CHWs? 62.7% 1.9 1.2
Is decision-support for patient management available? 58.8% 1.8 1.2
Are CHWs using standardized tool for reporting and requisition on commodities? 62.7% 1.9 1.1
Standard operating procedures (SOP)
Are SOPs for community reporting available? 56.9% 1.7 1.1
Are there SOPs for community Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) available? 45.1% 1.4 1.1
Are there SOPs for making action plans at community level available? 25.5% 0.8 0.8
Are there SOPs for making action plans at facility and district level for community intervention available? 39.2% 1.2 1.3
Are there SOPs for data quality assurance, with clear responsibilities and procedures for handling data quality issues? 52.9% 1.6 1.3
Are there SOPs for sharing of data among stakeholders? 39.2% 1.2 1.1
Are there SOPs for managing users and stakeholder access to the CHIS? 29.4% 0.9 1.1
Are there SOPs for commodity reporting and requisitioning available to CHWs? 29.4% 0.9 1.0
System design and development
Is sufficient capacity available for maintaining and developing the CHIS? 60.8% 1.8 1.1
Is there a SOP for conducting routine CHIS functionality audits to identify additionally needed features? 25.5% 0.8 1.1
Does a multi-tiered technical support system exist that is able to capture, catalogue, and resolve user issues and system bugs? 43.1% 1.3 1.4
Is there a strategy and budget for updating training materials and re-training when the reporting and feedback forms and routines are changed? 27.5% 0.8 0.8
Is the introduction of new CHIS tools supported with adequate resources for printing/customizing software, and distributing/updating tools for CHWs? 35.3% 1.1 1.1
Is the introduction and use of new technology supported by mechanisms for user guidance, troubleshooting, and replacement of technology and hardware over time? 23.5% 0.7 0.9
Is a reliable and robust server in place to support CHIS online data reporting and feedback? 43.1% 1.3 1.3
Is there a channel for CHWs to give input to CHIS development and improvement? 27.5% 0.8 1.0
Are the target populations for CHWs clearly defined? 72.5% 2.2 1.1
Are the baseline indicator values known? 37.3% 1.1 1.2
Do goals and targets exist for all CHIS indicators? 51.0% 1.5 1.0
Are targets for CHIS indicators SMART (specific, measurable, appropriate, relevant, and time-bound)? 66.7% 2.0 1.0
Do CHWs get automatic feedback when reporting data? 19.6% 0.6 0.8
Do CHW registers provide supporting for intervention or service delivery (automatic decision support)? 56.9% 1.7 1.1
Are referrals by CHWs notified to the referral facility/hospital? 58.8% 1.8 0.9
Do CHWs supervisors provide regular feedback on reporting and data quality to the CHWs? 78.4% 2.4 0.7
Do CHWs supervisors provide regular feedback on indicator values, achievement towards goals and targets, to the CHWs? 51.0% 1.5 0.9
Are dashboards on community indicators defined and available to all stakeholders? 27.5% 0.8 1.0