Item No. correct responses (%)
Knowledge about breast sonography:
More than optimal knowledge 0 (0%)
Optimal knowledge 0 (0%)
Partially optimal knowledge 5 (5%)
No idea about breast sonography 95 (95%)
What type of energy is used during breast sonography?
X-rays 0 (0%)
Sound 0 (0%)
Do not know 100 (100%)
Is there risk of breast cancer after using sonography?
Yes 0 (0%)
No 0 (0%)
Do not know 100 (100%)
Have heard about ultrasound generally?
Yes 100 (100%)
No 0 (0%)
Source of information regarding ultrasound:
Health facility 50 (50%)
From friends 10 (10%)
Radio 20 (20%)
Television 5 (5%)
Health promotion campaigns 15 (15%)
Have you specifically heard about breast ultrasound?
Yes 5 (5%)
No 95 (95%)