Variable SoC (100), n* (%) Intervention (88), n* (%) P-value
Gender: 0.305
Male 61 (61) 60 (68)
Female 39 (39) 28 (32)
Education: 0.319
None 1 (1) 4 (5)
Less than high school 32 (33) 27 (31)
High school or higher 65 (66) 55 (64)
Literacy: 0.589
Can read & write 89 (93) 76 (90)
Cannot read & write 7 (7) 8 (10)
[missing] 4 4
Religion: 0.290
Hindu 78 (78) 74 (84)
Muslim 22 (22) 14 (16)
Language: 0.492
Bengali 79 (79) 73 (83)
Hindi 21 (21) 15 (17)
Occupation: 0.329
Works outside of home 63 (66) 51 (59)
Works in home 33 (34) 36 (41)
[missing] 2 1
Health self-rating: 0.001
Very good-Excellent 24 (24) 12 (14)
Good 38 (38) 57 (65)
Fair-Poor 38 (38) 19 (22)
Marital status: 0.499
Single 22 (23) 23 (27)
Married 76 (78) 63 (73)
[missing] 2 2
Relationship to patient 0.445
Spouse 28 (28) 29 (33)
Son/Daughter 47 (47) 38 (43)
Sibling 5 (5) 8 (9)
Other relative 18 (18) 13 (15)
Friend 2 (2) 0
Living situation: 0.874
Lives with patient 76 (76) 66 (75)
Does not live with patient 24 (24) 22 (25)
Shared caregiving: 0.795
Sole caregiver 13 (14) 11 (13)
Multiple caregivers 78 (86) 74 (87)
[missing] 9 3
Caregiving experience: 0.028
Had previous experience 50 (50) 30 (34)
No previous experience 50 (50) 58 (66)