Challenges Current health system strengthening (HSS) initiatives Health system strengthening (HSS) opportunities Health system strengthening (HSS) approach Systems thinking
Assessment: Equipment shortages and lack of maintenance e.g. Sphygmomanometers that are never recalibrated leading to spurious readings New equipment being bought No Equipment management, condemning etc. Providing resources Systems thinking: How does this phase affect the other phases and how does this contribute to the performance of the system as a whole?
Little time to focus on patient (12 minutes for one patient with multiple co-morbidities) Clinical skills training No efficient and effective supply chain management Research and evidence and innovation Financing; Service delivery-enhancing capacity –clinical skills training; Pharmaceutical products; Leadership; Human resources(HR); Health Information system
High patient volumes (cocktail of epidemics) Central Chronic Medicine Dispensing and Distribution (CCMD) Revision of PHC staffing norms to accommodate the evolving disease profiles and comorbidities-research based Streamlining work Where is high leverage? What is the feedback saying?
Multiple registers Ward based teams One register Streamlining work Time saved from duplicate data entry etc. can then be spent on patient care; Accurate data (HIS) leads to improved planning (leadership and governance and responsive health systems; Accurate assessment of patient impacts diagnosis, treatment and consequently patient outcomes
Electronic medical records Innovation
Diagnosis: Results take long to get back to clinic Onsite basic lab services Enhancing capacity Systems thinking: How does this phase affect the other phases and how does this contribute to the performance of the system as a whole?
Results get lost along the way Electronic Medical Records Strengthening infrastructure Financing; Service delivery; Pharmaceutical products; Leadership; Human resources (HR). Health Information system
Providing resources
Research and evidence and innovation
Where is high leverage? What is the feedback saying? Accurate diagnosis of patient impacts treatment plan and consequently patient outcomes
Treatment and nursing plan: Drug stock-outs Supply chain management training Task shifting: Pharmacy assistants could take over dispensing-freeing up time for nurses to focus on patient Streamlining work Systems thinking: How does this phase affect the other phases and how does this contribute to the performance of the system as a whole?
Prescribing and dispensing at the same time Time management-Meeting management Financing; Service delivery; Pharmaceutical products-Supply chain mx training; Leadership; HR; Health Information system
Too much paper work-use of bar codes Where is high leverage? What is the feedback saying? Informed planning impacts, implementation of treatment and consequently patient outcomes
Implementation: Staff shortages Leadership training Human resources for health (HRH) plan Enhancing capacity
Multiple, Impromptu and ad hoc meetings, workshops and trainings District Health systems (DHS) set up, establishment and management Research, evidence and innovation Systems thinking: How does this phase affect the other phases and how does this contribute to the performance of the system as a whole?
Financing; Service delivery; Pharmaceutical products; Leadership; HR; Health Information system

Where is high leverage? What is the feedback saying? Example: supporting broader capacity building, in light of (nurse) health-worker shortages across the developing world[@13709]; What is working, for whom, where and why? Evaluation feeds back into planning and subsequent nursing processes leading to continuous improvement
Evaluation: Time pressure and lack of continuity of care (multiple registers that get lost etc.) Revision of PHC Supervision culture Enhancing capacity Leadership and Management strengthening
Policing culture rather than mentoring approach to supervision Revision of staffing norms Research, evidence and innovation Data use locally-Monitoring & Evaluation of own facility performance ad designing plans for improvement

Systems thinking; How does this phase affect the other phases and how does this contribute to the performance of the system as a whole?

Financing; Service delivery; Pharmaceutical products; Leadership; HR; Health Information system;

Where is high leverage? What is the feedback saying? Example: turning vertical funds directly to strengthen health systems or to assure health care for all members of society (for example, through Universal Health Coverage (UHC) tied to health systems strengthening[@13709]; What is working, for whom, where and why? Evaluation feeds back into planning and subsequent nursing processes leading to continuous improvement