Response Total (n=131)
n %
Source of information:
Home/parents 36 27.5
Schools/teachers 65 49.6
Radio/television 23 17.6
Health workers 07 5.3
Social programs 15 11.5
Mode of transmission:
Indiscriminate defecation 93 70.9
Vegetables are not carefully washed 40 30.5
Contaminated soil sources 76 58.1
Contaminated water sources 73 55.7
Walking barefoot 120 91.6
Put their hands in their mouths without washing 12 9.16
Do not remember 09 5.6
Causes of STH:
Germs/Organism 44 33.6
Parasites 46 35.1
Contaminated foods/water 29 22.1
Do not remember 12 9.2